Saturday, August 11, 2012

March...not super exciting!!!

The boys and I packed up and headed to the beach today to spend the week...I could not be more excited...No work for an entire week!!! I am thrilled...just sun, sand and good quality time with my boys!!! Gabe isn't able to make this trip because of work, so after the boys are in bed, I will have lots of me time!!
I told myself my goals for when they went to bed were to watch girlie movies and fully catch up on my blog before the week is here goes!

I realized today that we skipped the month of March when it came to family pictures. I went to San Francisco for work in March for a week which was amazing. We stayed in CordeValle, California at an amazing resort and we each had out own little bungalow...

Before we went to the meeting location, I met my good friend, Rebecca, who I work the meeting with and we had a great night in San Francisco. We had to go to the office to do some prep work which is never that fun, but we had an amazing view which helped ease the pain :)

Yes, this is really the view from the office...LOVED it!!

That night we had a great dinner at a place called Boulevard and then went and drove around as I had never been to San Francisco. The streets and houses are ABSOLUTELY amazing...I have never seen anything so steep in all my life...fascinating! We of course had to go to the Golden Gate Bridge...I forgot my good camera but still tried to grab a shot...

The conference went very well, but it was a tough one to be away. Gabe had to be in San Antonio the same week I was in California so a huge thanks to my mother-in-law who came and took time off work to stay and care for my boys....I know they had such a blast being with their Nona!

The conference was at the beginning of March and by the time I got home and settled, it was already the middle of March and time to start planning Dylan's 3rd birthday!!! (That is the next post...I am getting there...August 11 today and I am now at the end of March...only 4 months behind...hahahaha!!!)

The rest of the month was very non-eventful which is exactly what we needed after work and non stop travel.

I had started walking the neighborhood quite a bit to get some time out of my house/office. The neighborhood is a bit over 3 miles so it is a nice quick walk...I noticed on my first day when I rounded the last corner that I came across a friend that I was not expecting...I went to same way for the next few weeks and every few days, he was in the exact same spot!

After the month of March, I have not seen him again!
Like I said...the month of March was not super exciting, but I promised that I would try and document all that goes on as this is my kids "baby book" as well as my book of memories.  I want to look back and see what all we did as I am sure I will look back on this in a few years and it will feel just like yesterday...the time goes by so much faster and kids grow up too quick!

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