Monday, January 2, 2012

What was happening behind the scenes...

So behind the scenes of Landon's birthday, Gabe and I had lots of decisions to make...

Here was a rundown on my insane week before the party...This was my Facebook post at the beginning of the week:

The week is just starting....just thinking about a work week in general, covering an extra person at work for a few days, planning a HUGE meeting in our office with our Managing Director, planning our au pairs farewell dinner for Tuesday, work dinner Wednesday, date night Thursday, new au pair arrives Friday and planning Landon's 4th birthday party for Saturday....I am exhausted already...but I am determined to get it all done :)

What was not mentioned in that post as I didn't want to jinx it was that Gabe and I were waiting to hear from McDonald's on whether he would be their new Area Real Estate Manager for Central Florida! This interview process had been going on for almost 2 months now so we knew it could be any day...

On Thursday night on our date night, Gabe had news for me...he GOT the job...I was so thrilled for my husband as he has worked so hard for this and this would be so wonderful for our family, but on the other hand I knew this would mean we would have to move to Florida...I was born and raised in Atlanta and we moved lasted about 7 months before I was begging to come I was very nervous!

We picked up our new au pair on Friday night, Miriam, and she is wonderful by the way :), had Landon's party on Saturday and spent Sunday talking and weighing our options even though we knew he was going to take it...Gabe accepted the job on Monday and was down in Florida working for McDonald's exactly one week later. However, the Tuesday after he accepted we had a stager at our house, furniture was being moved out, our house was on the market, and we had to tell our brand new au pair that had come to live with a family in Atlanta that we were moving. To say it was overwhelming it to put it mildly!!!! 

But we survived...he went down to work and he knew right away that he made the right decision...he LOVES the job...

In the weeks that followed, we worked out that I was able to keep my job...THANK GOODNESS!!!!, that our au pair would come with us and that we were in fact going to Tampa (as the cities kept changing from Jacksonville to Tampa to Orlando and back to Tampa)...More to come on the move!!!

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