Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dylan surgery - part 2

Dylan did very well during the surgery the doctor complications....he said it was a very good decision taking everything out as his adenoids were as big as they could possibly be, his ears were super infected and his tonsils were infected as well...poor guy!!!

When Dylan came to his room for the night and he was completely out of it...was just so super sleepy...I did notice one thing on him which was his IV. For those of you that don't know, I am HORRIFIED and I mean HORRIFIED of needles. I am one of those patients that they make me lie down when I give blood because I have passed out too many times...the thought of them even freaks me out...In High School, we had a blood drive and we all had to participate some how...I said I would do the juice and cookies...I walked in, saw people pumping their fists with those balls and passed right lie! Anyway, they had to put a makeshift cast around his IV because they said he kept trying to rip it when he would wake up at all, he would just have a fit about this needle and I couldn't blame him at all.

Just out of surgery

So precious

He just looks so small in this big bed

Once the anesthesia wore of, he had had enough of the IV...they really didn't want to take it out but I insisted that they remove it...They took it out and you would have never thought this child has surgery...He hoped out of bed and starting running down the hall...He was jumping in the wheel chairs and asking for rides...unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of that!

After multiple hours of running up and down the halls like a wild man and eating more than I have ever seen, we asked if they could please let us go home. Dylan sleeps in a crib at home and there was NO WAY in this world he was going to sleep in that bed overnight. It would have been torture. They agreed since they could see he was acting fine at the moment but warned us the next few days would be very different. We packed up and made it home before Landon went to bed, so I could see him and give him some love!

They were not kidding that they next few days would be different. We went about 5 days barely eating a thing. I could get one fruit snack in here or there but other than that...nothing...the only thing that saved us is that he would drink. We did stay right on top of his pain medicine which had to be given every 6 hours which meant setting your alarm for the wee hours...that was a reminder that I am very unsure if I want a newborn again as I really enjoy sleeping all night :) Sunday (Mother's Day) was by far the worst day...He woke up and had developed a fever and was super lethargic..He fell asleep in my bed around 10 am and slept until 4:30 pm when I finally woke him up...We tried to do a Mother's Day meal that night but he just felt awful. He was back asleep in Gabe's arms at 7 pm and was out for the night. It really did take about 10 days to get my Dylan back, but now he is back full swing.

Here is Dylan living it up in my bed (on day 9) - which is where he stayed non-stop for the 10 days - he was not allowed to be super active for the risk of bleeding, so he watched more TV than I would ever care to admit.

Hanging out with Tink and pretty sure feeling good, but taking advantage of the TV time
In the end, I am also so happy that we did it because his speech has skyrocketed since the surgery and his appetite has gotten better as well. He has gained 2 pounds and hopefully we will be out of our 12 months clothes soon (remember he is 26 months :)!


  1. Helen-

    I have enjoyed reading about his surgery. Andrew had to have the same thing done when he was 2 years old. The needle thing is scary, he is so scared of needles that he ran out of the doctor's office when he found out he had to get his flu shot. His speech was slow but I am pleased to say at 7 (next week) he speaks perfectly. We just really worked on it hard for three years. I wish you luck with the speech thing because it requires alot of patience.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that his speech and appetite has progressed so well. I know that makes the rough time during the surgery and recovery all worth it!
